Membership Dues Structure
Pricing is based on the # of children you are licensed for
0-7 children: Home-based, family $50.00 per year
7-14 children: Home-based, group $65.00 per year
13-40 children: Small center $80.00 per year
41-120 children: Large center $100.00 per year
For multiple centers or centers licensed for 121 or more children,
please contact info@cpaom.org or request a quote.
Membership dues auto-renew at the anniversary date and you can cancel your membership anytime.
Reasons to Join
You don’t have time to closely follow legislative and public policy issues that may affect your business and so will appreciate an industry organization working 24/7 on your behalf, with brief monthly Updates that keep you informed.
You recognize that the businesses that survive the current state economic crisis will be the ones which are best informed about changing public policy issues.
You want to be part of the statewide organization that is working everyday to support your interests along with those of your fellow Michigan childcare providers to protect and strengthen the Michigan childcare industry.
You want the childcare industry to be present when policy and program decision are made.
Ability to discuss your specific legislative issue with the CPAOM policy committee.
Opportunity to testify in Lansing regarding the effects of legislative issues on your centers.
Member Benefits

Conversations with Providers
Join your peers in sharing ideas around central topics that will help you build a better business.

CPAOM is a collective group of childcare providers working with MainStreet Legislative Consulting to elevate our voices in Lansing

Free Premium Membership with Small Business Association of Michigan
For more information on the benefits included in this strategic partnership visit www.sbam.org. View a flyer with details HERE.

Training and Education
Future Member Benefit

Certified Training for Staff
Future Member Benefit

Center Certification
Future Member Benefit

Mentoring Pool
Future Member Benefit

Respite Pool to Provider Cover Staffing
Future Member Benefit

Shared Services
Future Member Benefit